Todd Lloyd is an experienced business and farm owner and has lived in Cedar City for over 22 years. For the last 15 years Todd has owned his own Goodyear Tire Store business and was nominated and won dealer of the year award for Utah more than 5 times, then in 2010 he was one of twelve dealers that won North America Dealer of the year and won a all paid trip to Florida.
Over the years he has had many opportunities to work closely with those in the area in regards to purchasing and/or leasing commercial and residential real estate. With Cedar City having a great agricultural economy, Todd is very familiar with water rights and farm land. His specialties include commercial building, farms, large areas of land, water rights and investment properties.
After living, working and playing in Cedar City Todd has a great understanding of Cedar City and Iron County as a whole. His family has been in Southern Utah for a long time in fact his wife’s Great Great Grandfather settled New Harmony and Kanarraville as well as Rockville and other little towns in Southern Utah.